How to become “unstuck” and make progress when you have depression.
What do you do when you are feeling OK, that you don’t do when you are depressed? Whether depression is a new struggle for you, or one that seems to…
What do you do when you are feeling OK, that you don’t do when you are depressed? Whether depression is a new struggle for you, or one that seems to…
“When depression takes hold, I lose myself, I become a shadow of who I really am.” Depression can be all consuming. It can leave us feeling hollow and disconnected from…
“I need to kill myself”, “I need to kill myself”, “I need to kill myself… and on and on it goes. Repetitive, dark and dangerous words can sometimes come to…
Our lived experience is a constantly spiralling combination of emotions, thoughts, behaviours and sensations. As discussed in the previous article, the way we feel (emotionally and physically), think, and behave…
Most of us will be familiar with the Nike slogan “JUST DO IT”. The Nike slogan is interesting because it can be interpreted in different ways. One interpretation is that…
Some days battling depression are harder than others. On those tough days it can help to remind yourself of the many things that make you worthwhile. A great way to…
In the previous articles about ways of thinking that make depression worse we have discussed the negative cognitive triad and cognitive biases. Thinking in these ways is not something someone…
There are some ways of thinking which play into the negative cognitive triad, these are called cognitive biases. Spotting cognitive biases when they occur can help you identify unhelpful thoughts…
There are some ways of thinking which are known to make us feel worse. At some point or another, almost everyone will find themselves thinking in these ways. But when…